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Сообщения опубликованы Женатый со стажем

  1. How did your interview go?

    There were a troubles. I havn`t enugh documents for getting visa. It is becouse the girl, who prepare our trip, get for me no full list of documents. I was many move for get nesesory documents.


    Did you get your visa?

    I am waiting for answer now. I think answer will today.


    When are you planning to go on your trip?

    My trip will from 23/02/08 to 27/02/08.

  2. Nataliya**,
    Nice to see you today!
    Thanks for your help.
    Yesterday I have run about 10 kilometers. I usually run day after day for my health. It was cold, about -14 degrees but it can't stop me. Tomorrow morning I'll go to English Embassy for make interview and reception of th visa to the England. I'll go to London and intend to stay here about 5 days. It will my first time in the London, but not first travel aboard. I will go to London by invite of Microsoft Corporation for take part in special training for its customers. I'll have 3 free days and nights, and I intend look as mach as possible. Could somebody who visited London, advise me for interesting places in London?

  3. Hello Lili. My name is Fedor, i am from Telecom about our contract #2701530. What if we will sign it tomorrow morning. In this time we can't do it because havn`t enough time. Is it ok? Please call me if you can.
    Я все правильно написал? Это реальная фраза которую я девушке на автоответчик записал...Девушка из Лондона.
